Was happy to help Camoflaj with some pitch work imagery
for their Kickstarter project that was launched today: Click !
for their Kickstarter project that was launched today: Click !
If you're a fan of Stealth Games, Small Studios, iOS games, Awesome things:
Their game Republique looks to have great potential, I can't wait to see more !
This was a last minute, one day job, unlike anything I had done before and I have to say it was nice to dip into new territory. It's rough around the edges, and I'd probably done things a bit differently if I had had more time; but it's always interesting and enriching to see the results of a limited palette.
Smart Objects made the work mostly worry free and allowed me the ability to design in perspective on the fly using a handful of free-to-use textures and a first for me, a fair amount of my own photographic reference.
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