Saturday, September 8, 2007

Back so soon?!

Paint frenzy, just been having the desire to paint these past few days - plus I left one half finished from last night. Ok, 'nuff jibbajabba - two from tonight - well one and a variation/continuation...


  1. cant wait til the day you share some of your magic

  2. you spit these out like it's nothing!! sheesh!

  3. Those greens and violets go really well together in these. And as always, I love the mood in your landscape/enviros. :)

  4. Great stuff here. I would be interested to know how you approach these.

  5. thanks for the tip bro. great post as always

  6. I think the composition is a bit lacking in the 2nd one. the long line on the top left rock creates a bad tangent,[kissing edges?] it's really least to me.

    everything else is <3

  7. Hey man great work! And thanks for the comment. What I dig about your stuff is that you can tell it has a bit of you in there. It's not' just straight up typical speed painter played out style.

    I'll add your link so I remember to check for updates!

  8. great work man, wish my color was as nice as yours!

  9. Your work has dynamic composition and balanced colors that tell stories with either graceful or intense atmosphere. I added your link on my site so others can see and share your works. Keep it up!!

  10. haven't been bye in a while, killer stuff man! great color choices.

  11. Makes me want to live there man. Great sense of weather too!

  12. Ken: Thanks much seniõr!
    GhettoFab: Pick the day homey, we drawing on Friday?
    Jane: Hahaha, It's all smoke and mirrors Jane; I'm a hack! Nothing but cheap tricks.
    naomiful: :) hurroh!
    Mike Dutton: Hey duder! Thanks very much for your overly kind words. Love what you've been up to dude, hope the money and fame and stuff comes your way soon. I put in a few calls so it should, maybe.
    Jamin LeFave: Thanks man! Not sure exactly to explain how I do things, but if you have any questions or would like to see the original PSD's just shout!
    Dillon Thompson: Yes, maybe. No. Hey, you are right next door to me, why didn't you just say that in person :O
    Aaron: Thanks homey, going to check your blog in a minute - hope there is an update! >:(
    texahol: monkeybutt, thanks for the crits! Wish you were coming to Seattle, I'd buy you a beer. Wanker. :)
    Joshua James: Thanks man! Cool to see you here. Thanks for the kind words! Going to keep a close eye on your blog now that I've found it!
    stephen erik schirle: Thanks man! Hehe color is a tricky thing, I repaint and edit even more. Lots of cheap tricks and miniscule adjustments. Let me know if you've got any questions!
    I found you first.: Hahaha, you did indeed find me first! You win! Thanks for the exceptionally eloquent comment and thanks for the link!
    Ben Mauro: BEN! BEEEEEN! I've been waiting for an update man! Come on! :) Thanks for the kind words duder.
    Hunter: HunTAR, where is your update man? Thanks buddy.

  13. Very nice environments! Awesome concepts!
