Monday, October 13, 2008

Edge of Dawn

I feel this deserves more polish, so much that needs a little more love and sections that need simply to be redone. But it's past the expiration date as far as my motivation goes; I feel the urge to move on to learn new things with a new painting is far stronger than the urge for a finished work.

Anyhow, learned so many good things on this painting and it felt good to exercise a few muscles other than the environment variety for a bit. The canvas texture you may see in the back is actually from a plein aire painting I did on a work outing. The painting looks nothing like this, but the outing was still vital to the overall mood and palette of this painting. I need to get out and paint more, so good for me.

Hope it's not too dark, but I'm sure it is :P


  1. I love the impression of "potential energy" and slight movement, and although it is dark, it adds to the suspense.

  2. Tom you're the shiz! Love your style it rocks. One day when I'm your age I'll...oh wait I'm older than you @@!$

  3. I absolutely love the stylised way you've rendered the tree Tom, that's very clever. As a small crit (if you ever go back to this) I think his feet need to be slightly bigger, and legs slightly thicker.

    Other than that, it's a nice moody palette, great job!

  4. I don't think it's too dark man. I really like it. He could use some rim lighting on him to match the nice lighting on the rocks, but either way its great.

  5. ....I require your AID! I've been trying to do figures on Painter and PS...PS now cause thats all my Macbook has, and I'm hit with such amazing difficulty especially in allocating layers...and just generally sucking at it. In my blog there's a little one i did the other day. This is Oki by the way if that means anything.

  6. Wonderfully rendered. I think you pull off the darkness in this image since you have plenty of bounce lighting.

  7. Awesome work! I looked up your process files on Conceptart the other day. Very inspiring.

  8. Aly: Thanks missy. :)

    Josh: Thanks dood, age is irrelevant unless you make it.

    David Cousens: Thanks buddy, feet are so harrrrrd! I got lazy, I deserve a punch to the gut. Thank you for the crit, I need more of those :)

    rawls: You sir are everywhere! Everywhere! Monitors are horrible, seems everyones is different. I pray for an easy way to standardize someday. Good call on the rim light, maybe someday ...

    thabiso mhlaba: whatzat?! How can I help you? There is no blog link! How do I get there :O Ah google, good ole google.

    !leon!: Thank you kindly~!

    megalaros: Rob! What up gfunk?! You found me on CA! Ninja!

  9. hmm i put the specific reason on my blog =\. I signed up for cooking with Idiot as well. *wink wink* *nudge nudge*

  10. No problem mate, I know that you're the sort of person that likes crits. Btw, re: your monitor problems, try this link

    Here's a description I've just found from someone online:
    "The strip shows a range of greys from pure black to pure white. You should be able to see a clear difference between each shade of grey, ranging from pure black (left) and pure white (right).

    Along the top of the strips are alternate patches of black and dark grey. If it looks solid black to you (look very carefully), your monitor's brightness setting is too low. Increase it until you can -just- perceive the difference between the grey and the black squares."

    Hope that helps mate. (PS, it may be worth seeing if anyone at Avalanche has a Spyder monitor calibrator as they're really good at sorting this problem, I use one myself, the results are great!)

  11. Dave: Thanks dude :) Value ramp shows up great for me, I actually use a spyder at home. Thing is the rest of the world doesn't and I have a nasty habit of using blacks. *shrugs* Hope you are well!

  12. Ah, I see. I was going to mention that your images have looked okay on my screen, I figured you liked using a dark palette. I hadn't realised that it was other people griping about the colours and now you. I sent you an email about your latesti image btw, hope you like it! :)

  13. love it Thom. Particularly like the way you stylized the tree.

  14. Beautiful! I really dig the canvas texture underneath. That character seems to be traveling places like an epic RPG. :)

  15. ...I stared at the colors for like... ever. Beauteeeful!!

    Not dark at all. Could this be my long missed vampire...?

  16. my poo crowns everytime I see your work

    i hate and love you......

  17. Nice mixed media piece. Now, what's for lunch?

  18. this is beautiful work. love the palette.

  19. Nice work, the atmosphere is great!!


  20. tom, you're an art ninja, this is great!!

  21. Just dark enough for me ;)
    Yummy and delicious !
    Love the painterly feel.....

  22. Damn Tom. This one's sick man. I love it.

  23. One of your best so far, I think. Really pushes things. I love it.

  24. TOM, this is John I painted next to you in Nathan's class.. Dude youve got some mad skills. keep pouring the concepts out!!


  25. Tom,
    this is John, I painted next to you in Nathan's class.

    Dude,, you have some mad skills..keep crankin out cool concepts


  26. awesome blog sir. you're incredibly talented.

  27. So this is where all comments go to.

    Nice work dood!

  28. Hey Tom!

    Thanks for the kind comment, man. Great to meet you at the workshop too. Your environments blow me away... I'll be back more often.

    Also, I've posted stuff from the workshop finally.

  29. lovin the palette, and the overall composition. wow!

  30. Hey man! good to see you! and great painting!

  31. As always all your work is a blast of inspiration.. stunning new job!..

  32. hey tom, thanks for the comment!

    i just browsed through your blog, i freakin LOVE your environments and brushwork.

    p.s. i share your monitor/darkness issues, hahaha.


  33. Nice painting bro. I'm unsure about the faux canvas texture though.

  34. Really nice work!! I love the color and feel these pieces give!!! Nice!!

  35. really great
    your works is very nice and your drawing is fulllllllll.
    pleas see my works and GUIDE me!

  36. really great
    your works is very nice and your drawing is fulllllllll.
    pleas see my works and GUIDE me!

  37. dang TOM! man, it's cool you got so many fans. proud of you bud. i must say that i'm really enjoying the works you've got goin on here. cheers my friend and have a sweet ass 2009

  38. This is my new wallpaper! awesome work as always thomas! how was your winter holidays?

  39. C.B. Canga: Thank ya kindly!

    Dave: Thanks sir!

    David Cousens: Hey buddy, thanks a ton for your help on this image. Been thinking about that stuff a lot lately. Hope your holidays were great and you are well my friend.

    Ben Mauro: Bennnnnnnnn! You ship out yet? Good luck! Hope you are well and don't forget me when you are famous!

    Sang Han: Thanks! Believe it or not, it's real canvas from the "underpainting" - a real painting I did out in the Utah foothills that looks nothing like this haha. Cheers!

    Carguin: Hay! Sorry to hear you aren't coming to Yewtaaaaah, but I think you know what you are doing. Might be your long missed vampire...

    Ghettofab: Whattttttttt does that really mean? Poo crown. Sounds regal. Lunch again soon!

    Dave McClellan: Thank ya sir! Lunch today is soiled faux gras in an elderberry sauce - with rice and meatballs.

    Jon 'Roc' Upchurch: Thank ya kindly!

    Dag: Appreciate it! ++

    Francis Vallejo: Francis - if I am an art ninja; then you sir are the art pope. Hope you are well!

    SIM-R: Always puts a smile on my face to see you over here Simon. Really appreciate it.

    GHGraphics: Hey duder, what the hell you been up to? Keepin it reaaaaaaal?

    Eric Orchard: Thanks very much! I was quite proud of this one, about as polished as I care to get hehe. Cheers!

    Robin Chyo: Mofakkin' robin chyooooooooo!

    John W. McInnis: Hey dood! How's the dreamworks life treating you? Appreciate the kind words, maybe I will catch you at the next workshop! P.S. The concept design academy in Pasadena has some sweet ones coming up.

    JeremySaliba: Thanks very much! I think I am really only getting started! Cheers!

    Marcobucci: Thank ya sir!
    pumml: Hey man, hope you've been well since the workshop. Blew my mind to be recognized :) Maybe I'll see you at the next one. Chairs!

    Ken: Thanks very much!

    Victoriaying: Yeahhhhhhhh! Was so cool to just bump into you. I remember reading the nametag on your cube and thinking for half a second and finally realizing how small this art world is :) Hope to meet you again!
    bog_art: Happy I can inspire! Cheers!

    Jehan: Down with monitors! Fight them to the end my friend. Love your stuff! Keep on rockin'.

    Matthew Lau: Thanks man, love your stuff!

    Mimi Cortazar: Thanks very much!
    Andrew domo: Tycho is great! You probably already have but grab some Boards of Canada too!

    Sam: Gracias. It's not faux, it's from a scanned underpainting I did in acrylic. Yer mum!

    Philip Dimitriadis: Thanks very much!
    Mostafa Sayed Ebrahimi: Thank ya kindly! Drawing is fulll! Cheers!

    Philip Vose: Hey buddy! Haha, I dunno if I have many fans :P Hope you are well, but I know you are well - good luck with the internship and have an even sweeter ass 2009 than I do!

    jpforjohnpark: Awwwww shuccccccks. Thanks John! Holidays were great, having a break has brought back my personal art mojo - been a long time since I've painted for myself (i.e. since this very post...) How were yours?
